Choose the best local recruiting plan to maximize your hiring efforts
Our plans and add-ons provide exceptional visibility for your open positions. Recruit top local talent today.
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Unrestricted resume database access
Unlimited authorized users
Mirroring program or PoweredBy™
Social media
Cross-posting of all jobs to our network of local employment and diversity sites
Job applicant reporting
Pre-screen & post-applicant questionnairesApplicant questionnaires
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Boost your brand and job postings with powerful add-ons
Call 612-331-1533 today to speak with an Account Executive to learn more.
Employer Branding Site
Take your profile to the next level with multiple custom pages promoting your brand, culture, and benefits.
Premier Employer
Showcase your company, gain brand exposure, and promote your job postings on a dedicated landing page.
Outreach Management System
Work with community partners to conduct targeted outreach to effectively meet your diversity hiring goals.
Featured Employer
Attract more attention from job seekers by having your company logo displayed on our home page.
Homepage Display Ad
Promote your jobs and company at the top of the homepage, including a direct link to your job postings.
Featured Tags
Reach 50% more job seekers when your job postings are featured and highlighted at the top of searches.
Social Media App
Connect to more potential candidates by feeding your jobs to your company’s social media pages.
See how effective your talent acquisition efforts are with our 60-Second Assessment:
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